
Logging Game | CodeChef | optimality program

Logging Game

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Logging can be a very mundane job, but Alice and Bob have devised a game to help them pass the time. They take turns choosing a log, and cutting it into 2 smaller logs. The sum of the lengths of the 2 logs equals the length of the original log. The only restriction is that neither of the resulting logs may be shorter than 1 meter in length (but exactly 1 meter is fine). In other words, non-integer lengths are allowed. Alice makes the first cut, and the first logger who cannot make a legal cut loses.


Input begins with an integer T, the number of test cases (less than 450). T test cases follow, each on its own line. Each test case begins with an integer N, the number of logs at the start of the game. N integers follow, giving the initial lengths of the logs. There are at most 7 logs, and the total length of the logs will not exceed 250 meters. Note that the initial lengths of the logs are integers, but logs may be cut to non-integer lengths.


For each test case, output a single line containing the name of the winner of the game, assuming both loggers choose their cuts optimally.

Sample Input

3 1 2 2 3 4 3 7 8 9

Sample Output

Alice Alice Bob

solution LOGGERS(written by David Stolp)

(The notation [x] is used for the floor function: [x] is the greatest integer not exceeding x.)

First off, non-integers are problematic, so consider that for any real numbers x, y, z with x+y=z, either
[x]+[y]=[z] or
Conversely, given a real number z and integers x′ and y′ satisfying either
x′+y′=[z] or
then set x=(z+x′-y′)/2 and y=(z-x′+y′)/2 and we have [x]=x′, [y]=y′, and x+y=z.

Therefore we can restrict cuts to integer lengths, where the resulting logs from a cut sum to either the length of the original log, or the length of the original log minus one. Now the problem is solvable using Grundy numbers. For any length L, we calculate G(L)=mex({G(A) xor G(B) : (A+B=L or A+B=L-1) and A,B>0}). Then for a game with initial lengths of L1,...,LN if G(L1) xor ... xor G(LN) is zero, Bob has a winning strategy. Otherwise Alice has a winning strategy.





Some sample same problem to refer

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